CSDID Version 1.6


CSDID v1.6 is here!. Not much change with respect to v1.5, but some improvements have been made. Namely, some improvements of efficiency, I added the WB Confidence intervals, and the option seed so one can replicate results.

The other addition. A simple csdid_plot. It is still quite limited, but it will allow you to make plots for event studies (like event_plot does), as well as plotting group ATT's and Calendar ATT's. Also, if you combine the results with Ben Jann's addplot, you can customize the results quite easily!.

For my own notes, and perhaps your understanding, A very quick revision of what CSDID and its "friend" DRDID do. You can skip the next section, if you are just interested in how CSDID works.

DID design

As it has been explained extensively, the TWFE model is not an appropriate method to identify ATT if the treatment effects are heterogeneous and the timing of the treatment varies across units.

There are now many papers that explain in detail why this is the case. I do my own version explain this (see on the left), but the bottom line is as follows. When you estimate a model like the following:

yit=ai+bt+θ(trtipostt)+eity_{it} = a_i + b_t + \theta (trt_i * post_t) + e_{it}

The parameter θ\theta tries to estimate an average difference comparing the same unit across time, (one of the Differences), as well as comparing different units, with and without treatment, in the same point in time.

To my understanding, the first difference (changes across time), its still a good first approach. In fact, the way Sant'Anna and Zhao (2020) doubly robust estimator (implemented in DRDID) operates when using panel data is to estimate the within unit difference first, before using reweighthing methods to estimate the ATT.

Now, the second difference is problematic. First, one should understand what groups are being compared:

  1. Treated units vs Never treated units: These are good comparisons
  2. Treated units vs not yet treated units: These are also good, unless you think there are anticipation problems.
  3. Later treated units vs earlier treated units: These are the bad ones. Because you are using as controls observations that were already treated.

Why is the third kind of comparison a bad average?

Perhaps saying "bad" is harsh. A better word would be a "potentially innapropriate comparison". So when is it a bad one, and when is it not?

Not so bad

If you believe that the treatment effect is homogenous, and has a one time shock on the outcome (in other words a one time shift upwards on the potential outcomes), then the standard TWFE is appropriate. Even comparison 3 is non problematic, and the earlier treated units are good "controls".

Definately bad

If you believe the treatment effects is heterogenous, and further more it changes across time, then the third comparison is innappropriate. Why? because we do not know how the earlier treated unit got affected.

Why is this important?.

Assume for a second that you have 2 observations, and that the parallel trend assumption hold for all before treatment. If one unit gets treated earlier, and the effect changes across time, then after treatment, its new "outcome trend" will NOT be parallel with the second unit. So, by the time the second unit is treated, you cannot compare it with the first (post treatment), because the parallel assumption does no longer holds!.

What about negative weights?!

Another way that has been discussed regarding the problems with TWFE has been the generation of Negative weights. For a while, this didn't strike me as an intuitive concept, but this problem is closely related to the bad groups comparisons. Let me try to explain, relaxing a bit of the rigourous math.

When you estimate ATT's, at the end of the day you are simply comparing Treated units vs untreated ones:

ATT=(w1Y(treated,t)w0Y(untreated,t))ATT =\sum \left( w1 * Y(treated,t) - w0 * Y (untreated,t) \right)

In this simple case, all treated receive a positive weigth, and all untreated units have an effective "negative" weight, because they need to be substracted.

Now, if you compare earlier treated units and later treated units you have the following:

ATT=(w1Y(treated,t)w0Y(treatedearlier,t))ATT =\sum \left( w1 * Y(treated,t) - w0 * Y (treated earlier,t) \right)

Because the "earlier" treated unit is used as control, it is entering the equation substracting from the later treated one. However, at time t, it has already been treated, so it is receiving a "negative" weight!, when it should be possitive. And this is the source of the problem. TWFE would put "negative" weights on some treated units, because it uses them as "controls".

So what is the solution?

The solution, as you may suspect, is to simply avoid bad comparisons. And, yes, this is what Callaway and Sant'Anna (2021) does. It estimates all possible "good" comparisons for the estimation of ATT's, and then simply aggregates them to provide a summary of the results. But that is just half of the work.

The other half of the job is to actually estimate the treatment effects the best way possible, accounting for as much information as reasonable. This, as Pedro would say, is the building block that was proposed on his earlier work in Sant'Anna and Zhao (2020).

So why was the older CSDID slow?

As I mentioned before, CSDID works together with DRDID to obtain the best estimate for treatment effects. In essence DRDID estimates what is call the ATT(g,t)ATT(g,t), which is simply the Average treatment effect on the treated, for group gg (when the group gets treated) measure at time tt. Setting all the additional refinements of the doubly robust estimators, when tgt \geq g, this is simply estimated as:

ATT(g,t)=[EY(g)tEY(NT)t][EY(g)g1EY(NT)g1]ATT(g,t) = \bigg[ EY(g)_t-EY(NT)_t \bigg] - \bigg[ EY(g)_{g-1}-EY(NT)_{g-1} \bigg]

Here, NT stands for "never treated", which can almost always be used a good control group. EY(c)tEY(c)_t is the expected value of the oucome at time tt, for group cc. The first parenthesis calculates the differences in outcomes at time tt, while the second parenthesis estimates the outcome difference at time g1g-1, which is the period before the treatment took place.

When t<gt < g, the ATT(g,t)ATT(g,t) are simply defined as:

ATT(g,t)=[EY(g)tEY(NT)t][EY(g)t1EY(NT)t1]ATT(g,t) = \bigg[ EY(g)_t-EY(NT)_t \bigg] - \bigg[ EY(g)_{t-1}-EY(NT)_{t-1} \bigg]

Which can be used to check if the parallel trends assumptions hold by looking if the period-to-period outcome changes.

Now, you can see that this easily creates a large number of potential ATTsATT's to look at. Some could be interesting, but some would be too small to say anything about them. Here is where the step aggregation comes.

For any of the aggregations proposed in Callaway and Sant'Anna (2021), the general formula is:

AGGTT=(wg,tATT(g,t))(wg,t)AGGTT = \frac{\sum ( w_{g,t} * ATT(g,t))}{\sum ( w_{g,t})}

where wg,tw_{g,t} is a weight of how much information was used to estimate ATT(g,t)ATT(g,t). Larger and more precise estimators should receive more weights, whereas those based on just a handful of observations, should be downweighted.

To obtain standard errors for this parameter, we need to rely on the delta method, differentiating the above expression with respect to each ATT(g,t)ATT(g,t) and each wg,tw_{g,t}. Needless to say, it can become a very long expression to keep track of.

In the previous iteraton of CSDID, this was done using nlcom. nlcom uses the delta method to estimate SE for nonlinear combination of parameters. It is usally pretty fast, but when you are trying to evaluate expressions with a large number of parameters, it can turn slow pretty quickly. Furthermore, there is a limit of how many equations you can tell nlcom to keep track. A few people contacted me already reporting this problem.

Is there a solution?

Yes, whenever there is a problem, there is a solution. Afterall, R's DID can do it, why can't I (and Stata). So that is what took some time to figure out. I simply needed to correctly track what elements enter a particular aggregation, and then multiply matrices, and summarize the Variance Covariance Matrix using the good old Sandwich Formula.

Var(AGGTT)=HΩHVar(AGGTT) = H' * \Omega * H

H=[AGGTTATT(g,t)AGGTTwg,t]H = \left[ \begin{matrix} \frac{\partial AGGTT}{\partial ATT(g,t)} \\ \\ \frac{\partial AGGTT}{\partial w_{g,t}}\end{matrix} \right]

where Ω\Omega is the variance convariance for all the ATT(g,t)ATT(g,t) and the wg,tw_{g,t}.


Alright, the previous section was more of a brief introduction on the magic behind CSDID and DRDID. But now what you are really here for. The new CSDID.

First, in order to use CSDID you will need five sets of files:

In contrast with DID, my command uses drimp as the default estimator method. However, all other estimators within drdid will be allowed (except all and stdipwra). They key is to declare the method using option method(). Interestingly enough, DID uses dripw as the default. So I will use that for the following replication.

Simple Help file

Yes, I promise, at some point a proper helpfile will be created.


The general syntaxis of the command will be as follows:

csdid depvar indepvar [if] [in] [iw], ivar(varname) time(year) gvar(group_var) /// method(drdid estimator) [notyet] [saverif(file) replace cluster(varname) /// wboot agg(aggregation method) reps(#) rseed(#) wbtype(wbtype)]

Here an explanation of all the pieces:

New options:


This program works on the background to obtain all aggregations. This command will always estimate SE for aggregations using the analytical VCOV matrices, even if you request Wbootstrap estimations in csdid. If you want the Wbootstrap estimates, you can use csdid_stats, or use the agg() after csdid.

estat [subcommand], [estore(name) esave(name) replace *]

And this are the options:

All comands after estat, with the exception of pretrend, leave an r(table) element, as well as r(b) and r(V) matrices.


The purpose of this command is to do what csdid_estat does, but when you are using a file previosly saved using the option saverif(). It works pretty much the same as csdid_estat, except that you can request analytical standard errors, as well as WildBootstrap standard errors. Compared to csdid_estat, this may be slower because it reproduces all Standard errors directly from the RIFs.

csdid_stats [subcommand], [estore(name) esave(name) replace]

And this are the options:

All comands, with the exception of pretrend, leave an r(table) element, as well as r(b) and r(V) matrices.


This command is my alternative to event_plot and perhaps similar to DID's ggplot option. It can be used as a post estimation, after csdid, csdid_estat, and csdid_stats.

The general syntax is as follows:

csdid_plot , [style(styleoption) title(str) name(str) group(#) /// ytitle(str) xtitle(str) ]

Most options are self exaplanatory:

-style. Allows you to change the style of the plot. The options are rspike (default), rarea, rcap and rbar. -title, ytitle, xtitle are all two way graph options to modify the title, xaxis title, and y axis title. -name, Use if you want to store a figure in memory. -group(#) Use only after reporting the attgt's. One needs to use the group number to plot the dynamic effects with respect that that group.


So lets see how this works. First, load the data, and estimate the model. To replicate the DID simple output, I will use method(dripw).

use https://friosavila.github.io/playingwithstata/drdid/mpdta.dta, clear . csdid lemp lpop , ivar(countyreal) time(year) gvar(first_treat) method(dripw) ............ Difference-in-difference with Multiple Time Periods Outcome model : least squares Treatment model: inverse probability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- g2004 | t_2003_2004 | -.0145297 .0221292 -0.66 0.511 -.057902 .0288427 t_2003_2005 | -.0764219 .0286713 -2.67 0.008 -.1326166 -.0202271 t_2003_2006 | -.1404483 .0353782 -3.97 0.000 -.2097882 -.0711084 t_2003_2007 | -.1069039 .0328865 -3.25 0.001 -.1713602 -.0424476 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- g2006 | t_2003_2004 | -.0004721 .0222234 -0.02 0.983 -.0440293 .043085 t_2004_2005 | -.0062025 .0184957 -0.34 0.737 -.0424534 .0300484 t_2005_2006 | .0009606 .0194002 0.05 0.961 -.0370631 .0389843 t_2005_2007 | -.0412939 .0197211 -2.09 0.036 -.0799466 -.0026411 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- g2007 | t_2003_2004 | .0267278 .0140657 1.90 0.057 -.0008404 .054296 t_2004_2005 | -.0045766 .0157178 -0.29 0.771 -.0353828 .0262297 t_2005_2006 | -.0284475 .0181809 -1.56 0.118 -.0640814 .0071864 t_2006_2007 | -.0287814 .016239 -1.77 0.076 -.0606091 .0030464 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Control: Never Treated See Callaway and Sant'Anna (2021) for details

I find this output a bit easier to understand than the baseline output in R. Each equation represents the group treatment. And each coefficient represents the two years (pre and post) used to estimate the ATT.

All point estimates are the same as the R command. The standard errors are different, because R's DID uses Wbootstrap standard errors by default, whereas I use the asymptotic normal ones as default. You can replicate this in R using the bstrap = F option. In the previous version, you also saw the "weights" equations. They are still produced, but are no longer shown.

So what about the aggregation. The first thing would be the pretrend test for parallel assumption. The output is subject to change.

. estat pretrend Pretrend Test. H0 All Pre-treatment are equal to 0 chi2(5) = 6.841824981670454 p-value = .2326722805724242

We can also reproduce the simple, calendar and group aggregations:

. estat simple Average Treatment Effect on Treated ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- ATT | -.0417518 .0115028 -3.63 0.000 -.0642969 -.0192066 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . estat calendar ATT by Calendar Period ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- T2004 | -.0145297 .0221292 -0.66 0.511 -.057902 .0288427 T2005 | -.0764219 .0286713 -2.67 0.008 -.1326166 -.0202271 T2006 | -.0461757 .0212107 -2.18 0.029 -.087748 -.0046035 T2007 | -.0395822 .0129299 -3.06 0.002 -.0649242 -.0142401 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . estat group ATT by group ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- G2004 | -.0845759 .0245649 -3.44 0.001 -.1327222 -.0364297 G2006 | -.0201666 .0174696 -1.15 0.248 -.0544065 .0140732 G2007 | -.0287814 .016239 -1.77 0.076 -.0606091 .0030464 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

And the one that was the most difficult to program, but is the most interesting. The event study/dynamic effects:

. estat event ATT by Periods Before and After treatment Event Study:Dynamic effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- T-3 | .0267278 .0140657 1.90 0.057 -.0008404 .054296 T-2 | -.0036165 .0129283 -0.28 0.780 -.0289555 .0217226 T-1 | -.023244 .0144851 -1.60 0.109 -.0516343 .0051463 T | -.0210604 .0114942 -1.83 0.067 -.0435886 .0014679 T+1 | -.0530032 .0163465 -3.24 0.001 -.0850417 -.0209647 T+2 | -.1404483 .0353782 -3.97 0.000 -.2097882 -.0711084 T+3 | -.1069039 .0328865 -3.25 0.001 -.1713602 -.0424476 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What If i wanted to get the event aggregation to begin with? I can do this, from the csdid command line. I can also store the RIF's in a new file. and request Wild Bootstrap Standard errors.

csdid lemp lpop , ivar(countyreal) time(year) gvar(first_treat) method(dripw) /// agg(event) saverif(rif_example) wboot replace rseed(1) File rif_example.dta will be used to save all RIFs ............ (file rif_example.dta not found) file rif_example.dta saved Difference-in-difference with Multiple Time Periods Outcome model : least squares Treatment model: inverse probability ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Coefficient Std. err. t [95% conf. interval] -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- T-3 | .0267278 .0145166 1.84 -.0004601 .0539157 T-2 | -.0036165 .0128202 -0.28 -.030182 .022949 T-1 | -.023244 .0152288 -1.53 -.0524744 .0059864 T+0 | -.0210604 .0118453 -1.78 -.0441373 .0020166 T+1 | -.0530032 .0161958 -3.27 -.0841509 -.0218555 T+2 | -.1404483 .036125 -3.89 -.2145895 -.0663072 T+3 | -.1069039 .0349244 -3.06 -.1711649 -.0426429 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Control: Never Treated See Callaway and Sant'Anna (2021) for details

Now, I dont want to re-estimate this model again, but I'm interested in other aggregations, and able to save the RIF's from before. What I can do now is obtain the Wildbootstrap estimates.

. use rif_example, clear . csdid_stats simple , wboot rseed(1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Coefficient Std. err. t [95% conf. interval] -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- ATT | -.0417518 .0111832 -3.73 -.0627803 -.0207233 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- . csdid_stats calendar, wboot rseed(1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Coefficient Std. err. t [95% conf. interval] -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- T2004 | -.0145297 .0219889 -0.66 -.0582209 .0291616 T2005 | -.0764219 .026394 -2.90 -.1326498 -.020194 T2006 | -.0461757 .022042 -2.09 -.0886126 -.0037388 T2007 | -.0395822 .0119995 -3.30 -.0637637 -.0154006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- csdid_stats group, wboot rseed(1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Coefficient Std. err. t [95% conf. interval] -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- G2004 | -.0845759 .0239044 -3.54 -.1317318 -.0374201 G2006 | -.0201666 .0171841 -1.17 -.0541214 .0137881 G2007 | -.0287814 .0160165 -1.80 -.0590851 .0015224 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- csdid_stats event, wboot rseed(1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Coefficient Std. err. t [95% conf. interval] -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- T-3 | .0267278 .0138167 1.93 .0007082 .0527474 T-2 | -.0036165 .0128959 -0.28 -.0298632 .0226302 T-1 | -.023244 .0145381 -1.60 -.0527278 .0062398 T+0 | -.0210604 .0114842 -1.83 -.0423346 .0002139 T+1 | -.0530032 .016063 -3.30 -.0844554 -.021551 T+2 | -.1404483 .0348762 -4.03 -.2097142 -.0711825 T+3 | -.1069039 .0315282 -3.39 -.1680153 -.0457924 ----------------------------------------------------------------------

What about those graphs? Starting from the previous setup, I can re-estimate the event statistics, and then just call on csdid_plot.

qui:csdid_stats event, wboot rseed(1) csdid_plot

I could, however, do something similar but for the each cohort/group:

qui:csdid_stats attgt, wboot rseed(1) csdid_plot, group(2004) name(m1,replace) title("Group 2004") csdid_plot, group(2006) name(m2,replace) title("Group 2006") csdid_plot, group(2007) name(m3,replace) title("Group 2007") graph combine m1 m2 m3, xcommon scale(0.8)

Or estimate the ATTS by cohort and year.

qui:csdid_stats group, wboot rseed(1) csdid_plot, name(m1,replace) qui:csdid_stats calendar, wboot rseed(1) csdid_plot, name(m2,replace) graph combine m1 m2, xcommon xsize(10) ysize(5)

And after this is done, you can use addplot (ssc install addplot) to do further figure edits.

What is next?

  1. More stress testing. I have done a few more. Thanks to all the people reporting the different bugs and errors!
  2. Some verification. Many data verifications have been added. But some checks may be missing. For instance, right now the command doesnt check if your weights are fixed for panel ID (which should be).
  3. Help files. The hardest part...it seems. More flexible graphs! but that is for another time!